The Old Quarry is northeast of the Spiderwick Mansion and west of the J. Waterhouse School. The quarry hosted a significant number of Dwarves.
- The Korting
- A lot of other Dwarves
- Mechanical clockwork animals
- Silver dogs
- A golden rat with sapphire eyes
- A silver rabbit
- Copper birds
- A silver peafowl with tail feathers of lapis lazuli and corals
- A copper mouse
- A Knocker
- A lot of bats
- Some kind of blind, white fish
- Spiders
Arthur Spiderwick once encountered a Dwarf named Jarlite in the Quarry (it is believed it was in the Quarry, however it could have been another place).
The Korting and his people allied with Mulgarath the Ogre and his army of Goblins and supported them by making fine swords to them. The Dwarves dreamed about a world of mechanical animals and Ironwood forests and believed that the Ogre would make it possible but they were all killed by Mulgarath's Goblins. The Ogre motivated his demanding by saying that it wouldn't be any fun to rule over a mechanical world, because he wanted a living world of flesh, bone and blood.
- Massacre at the Old Quarry
- Combatants: The dwarfs of the Old Qurrey led by the Korting most of whom didn't have weapons; The Goblins of the Junkyard led by Warmrat and Mulgurath.
- The battle was kicked off when Warmrat attacked and the dwarfs though they did fight valiantly even while being outnumbered, the Korting waw eventually slain along with the rest of his kind. As for the rest of dwarfs they are either extinct or fled to the depths of the Quarry.